A tour of East Anglia, its waterways, low-lying country and towns. The geography and geology of the region are described, specifically how East Anglia rose out of the sea, the flat Fenlands an ideal environment for growing crops and rearing animals.

Because of the lack of mountains, the locals built cathedrals such as the one in Ely, where Hereward the Wake made his last stand against the Normans. In King's Lynn, the region's unique geology is commemorated in the architecture of the Guildhall, whose flints were originally sponges growing underwater.

In Great Yarmouth and Lowestoft, families enjoy a seaside holiday, rollerskating, riding boats and pedal cars, or watching Punch and Judy shows. Nearby, the local fishing industry is hard at work sorting the latest catches. Suffolk's coastline combines marshes with sandy beaches., and its distinguishing marks are Blythburgh Church, the Southwold lighthouse, and Henry II's Orford Castle.

Suffolk's villages were constructed from the wealth of the wool trade, and while the weavers have long gone, other traditional crafts remain, such as thatching. John Constable was very fond of this area, and immortalised much of it on canvas, though there were parts he never got round to preserving. Norfolk is dominated by Norwich Cathedral, the city's ancient crafts preserved in its old houses and traditional streets, though it also permits modern architecture in the form of Civic Hall. It's also a major commercial centre, thanks to its large open-air market.

Out on the Broads, people sail boats, overlooked by the ruins of King's Lynn's Castle Acre.

Duration: 20 minutes

Suggested credit: East Anglian Holiday (1954) © The British Film Institute.