By using excerpts from films from the London Community Video Archive (LCVA) in your student project, you accept and agree to the following terms of use:
All intellectual property rights remain with the filmmakers and rights owners. As a student user, you are free to download and re-use excerpts of up to two minutes from each film in your student project for educational purposes on a non-commercial, non-profit making basis, provided that the editorial integrity of the Archive Material is not altered or misrepresented in any way; or used in a manner which is derogatory to the Film or any persons appearing or depicted therein. You agree to credit the rights owners of any films used in your end titles.
You may not distribute or exhibit the resulting work online for any reason, including online film festivals and events. If you would like to exhibit the resulting film publicly at one-off, public events such as screenings or film festivals which operate on a non-profit basis, please seek the permission of the filmmaker by contacting s.osullivan@kingston.ac.uk
The films can be downloaded from the embedded Vimeo link or be supplied by your lecturer.